To evaluate the current thesis proposal I challenged my EMDC colleague Lalith (who is doing some awesome work with wireless networks at T-Labs in Berlin) with the following question:

Let’s hypothetically say the name of my thesis is “Architecting Recommendation Systems for Web-Scale Data”. What would you expect to read in it?

Well, as it turns out his answer, although significanly shorter, matched the following, highly tentative, outline of a report quite well. I’ve updated it a bit to include Lalith’s feedback. Now I should verify this with my supervisor at UPC too.


  • recommendations for personalisation and increased interaction
  • problem with scale, optimizing algorithms or sampling the data
  • little systems research on collaborative filtering and recommender systems (mostly on algorithms)
  • building a recommendation system which serves millions of users
  • Supporting a range of content: videos, games, photos, albums, friends, places, pages
  • main contributions:
    • a system which supports several content types
    • able to update according to recent contextual information
    • evaluation on big data sets



  • web-scale data
  • collaborative filtering
    • model based – common approaches
    • memory based – common approaches

Describe current solutions to the growing amount of data

  • it has mostly focused on algorithm enhancement and/or downsizing the data
  • some algorithms are being ported to mapreduce, for example through the mahout project
  • other attempts include graphlab which uses something like a “bulk asynchrounous processing” model, but still lacks widespread production use and has limited support for distributed computations
  • biggest published system on recommendation systems is google news personalisation. The algorithms are simplified and system specific to Google’s infrastructure

Problems / Limitations of existing systems


Something about the research method(s) used. Big TBD.

System / Architecture

  • Data collection – capturing user feedback, and using it for online feedback
  • Algorithms for computing recommendation model – dividing the model in two parts
  • Serving recommendations
  • Updating recommendations based on contextual data from a session, i.e creating relevant recommendations on the most recent user activities.
  • Components needed / Implementation
    • offline (non-realtime)
    • online (realtime)


  • Usage peaks – degrading quality of service depending on load
  • Blacklisting, i.e removing recommendations that a user deemed irrelevant or has already seen
  • Updating / creating new recommendations on the fly
  • New users / cold start, i.e what to do when there are no previous history from the user
  • HCI – How long time does it take to serve a recommendation vs better to change UI to improve effectiveness (TBD)


Measure existing recommendations and compare with new system

  • accuracy of algorithm (not sure how relevant this is for a systems paper)
  • accuracy vs load
  • serving recommendations (latency / throughput)
  • clicks/interaction

Also check if it is quantatively comparable to any existing systems.

Flexibility / modularity


It will be awesome ;)