Haven’t provided much of info here in a while, so here comes a short update of what I’ve done:

  • writing, rewriting, trashing, and writing introduction again
  • got first draft of report reviewed by my supervisor
  • fixing comments from supervisor
  • making some exploratory development to see the effect of parallelisation – not sure it will make it into the report
  • taking measurements – specifically something called Mean Average Precision which I’m using to measure the accuracy of the recommendation results. I’ll try to write a more detailed post on this soon.
  • procrastinating
  • thinking that my report suck and mentally thrown it out of the window a few times
  • found inspiration and solutions to problems when I least expected it
  • writing and working from cafĂ©es around Barcelona. It is incredible how much more productive I am in these places. 4 hours with a good view of people passing by equals around 6-7h of office productivity.

Now, back to writing. Here’s the rest of my TODO:

  • rewrite abstract
  • finish conclusion
  • get the last MAP numbers into the report and explain them
  • update two figures
  • review the layout
  • write acknowledgements

I can kind of see the finishing line somewhere over there.

Rock on!